

Welcome to the 888新皇冠官方登录地址 h888皇冠vip经济发展 Corporation website - the foremost source of information for expanding existing businesses or companies researching economic development for a new facility or relocation project in h888皇冠vip. Whether you’re an existing business considering expansion, a site selector working on behalf of a corporate client, or a company seeking information for a new facility location, MCEDC is committed to providing you with the most comprehensive and up-to-date economic development information available.

888新皇冠官方登录地址’s key location and workforce offerings are appealing to diverse categories of industry looking to relocate to a h888皇冠vip community with a thriving economy based upon manufacturing, 教育, 和医疗. Murray’s competitive advantages include location in almost precisely the geographic center of the eastern United States, two major highways which provide access to Interstate 69 and Interstate 24, 铁路服务, 凯尔-奥克利机场, 低成本的土地, 工作权利状态, 强大的现有工业基础, 高生产率, 犯罪率极低, and the Number One public school system in h888皇冠vip.

The 888新皇冠官方登录地址 Economic Development Corporation staff knows that your relocation or expansion decisions are critical and that you require a comprehensive appraisal of your site selection options. The MCEDC website provides a variety of data sets to help you carefully examine 888新皇冠官方登录地址, h888皇冠vip as a contender in your economic development considerations. If you don’t find what you’re looking for on our website, our office will be glad to provide custom data or any site-specific information that you need.



We specialize in high quality build-to-suit projects with significant tax advantages. We strive to maintain an inventory of developed sites and buildings. 当建筑物目前不可用时, we have extensive experience in customized build to suit facilities for sale or lease.



In Murray/Calloway County, we recognize that a company’s workforce is vital to its success. That is why we strive to provide every possible resource and ensure that every available tool is provided for your site selection process. Murray/Calloway县相信这一点, 作为我们制造业的一员, 你的成功是第一要务. 无论挑战如何, it is our job to provide you with the talent you need to excel, 无论是现在还是将来. 另外, there are 600+ workers currently available with transferrable skills in metals-related manufacturing.

Murray, h888皇冠vip - Simply The Best For h888皇冠vip经济发展

穆雷, 很简单, one of the best mid-sized communities for site selection in the nation and, 是的, 我们在吹牛. If you're researching h888皇冠vip economic development, 穆雷 worth more than a passing look. 你可以从这里开始.

  • 默里州立大学
  • 犯罪率极低
  • 优秀的本地医院
  • 888新皇冠官方登录地址
  • 蓝筹现有产业基础
  • First Class Industrial Park with outstanding infrastructure and excess capacity
  • 两个非常成功的公立学校系统
  • Kyle-Oakley Field airport with 6,200’ runway for corporate jets
  • Outstanding recreation with lakes, golf, parks 和更多的


可用. 现在.

600+ workers available with transferrable metals-related manufacturing skills.
For more information on economic development in 888新皇冠官方登录地址, h888皇冠vip, 联系马克·曼宁: 270-762-3789.
 270-762-3789     270-752-7521
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